Tuesday, August 18, 2009

In a New York Minute...

...Everything can change!
I got a phone call yesterday from the President of my old company (the one that cut me adrift last December.) It seems he is suddenly in need of an executive assistant and he wondered if I would be interested in the job.
There is only enough funding available to pay me through December and after that, I may very well be cut adrift again, but he said if business continues to improve there may be something available for me elsewhere in the company.

I may have to change the name of my blog to reflect my new status, but I will still be here, writing and reading as often as I can.

I start tomorrow...full time, nine to five. Today is my last day of summer freedom so I'm off to squeeze as much into it as I can!

Let the new adventure begin!



  1. Oh, DeeDee, How wonderful. Congrats. Now you can take a breath and have a paycheck while you look for something else.

    As for changing the name of your blog, I'm a tad in the same boat. I'm thinking Mid-Life Road Tripper to encompass then entire journey, not just the current one. Best of luck with this.

  2. Woo hoo! Sometimes, unanticipated changes are the easiest to make -- not much time for apprehension, worry, or over-thinking. Congrats!

  3. Deedee, that's great! I'm very happy for you. :)

  4. yeahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! from jack, a man of few words......yeahhhhhhhhh!

  5. Hey Deedee, this is so great! I'm doing the happy dance with you.

  6. Brilliant - and hope it leads to something permanent. It must be a boost to your self-esteem to know that they wanted you back. But don't change your blog name. It was so original!

  7. Congrats and good luck..as far as I'm concerned, Work is Work..let the good times roll!!

  8. Hey girl, that's super! Don't change the blog name tho - we are all cut adrift in many ways!

  9. Wonderful news. Congratulations. It's great that you are appreciated.

  10. Thats wonderful Deedee, so pleased for you :-)

  11. What wonderful news, I am so pleased for you. Enjoy your new adventure.


  12. So glad to hear that in a sense "work found you." I hope things improve enough that December & way past it sees you still employed.~Mary
