Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Update on Emery-Sunrise

I want to let my readers know that Emery, the little lady that I wrote about in an earlier post has made some recent progress.

At the urging of several friends and aquaintances, she sought out a new doctor, who has assured her that he has options for dealing with her serious health problems. She has agreed to more tests to determine if she is a candidate for some new treatments that he has in mind for her.

She is faithfully wearing the scapular necklace that I gave her every day. In accordance with my instruction that it will only be effective if worn with total confidence of its healing powers, she has stopped agonizing out loud over her problems, and is making a strong effort to smile, breathe deeply and even laugh more than usual.

I watch her catch herself as she begins to think about saying something negative; she takes a deep breath, presses her lips together tightly, and smiles with determination.

She is reading a book today that another friend recommended. It's titled: Being Happy.

"It's a really good book!" she told me, with enthusiasm.

Things seem to be looking up for Emery. I think it is because she is now looking up.

photo courtesy of J. Choate, 2008


  1. That's brilliant news Deedee! I'm glad to hear that her health problems will be addressed also. The future looks promising for Emery and the sunrise picture is very apt.

    I'm going to take your advice too.... breathe deeply, smile and laugh.... and purse my lips when about to say something negative. :)

  2. On this Good Friday as I wake (about 15 hours ahead of you!) I read this update with enormouse pleasure. I wish you and her a wonderful Easter.

  3. PS I can spell 'enormous' really I can!

  4. Lesley: Thanks for your kind thoughts, always. Enjoy the spring!

    GB: I know for a fact that your spelling is impeccable! Happy Easter, my friend! Please give my best to Scriptor and the rest of the family too.

  5. Good to hear that Emery feels some hope now. I am saying an extra Hail Mary for her tonight.
